So, how did I get started in all this?

Funny you should ask. To make a long story short, I had cooked in high-end restaurant kitchens after school, weekends, and summers from the time I was 12. Why I worked so much is for another time. At almost 20 years old on an internship from my culinary school, I was working for an Austrian pastry chef, Hermann Wayd, at the Balsams Hotel in Dicksville Notch. That’s a classic 19th c. resort hotel like the Mount Washington in Bretton Woods. I asked Hermann if he could be my mentor and train me, but he said he wanted to retire. He suggested I go to Lech, Austria where he had worked, and he would recommend me. 

Two years and a couple restaurants later, I’d earned a culinary degree and flew out for Lech, sidestepping to see my brother who lived in Paris. He had worked in Austria and told me that without knowing German, I’d never get a job and because I knew French, I should work in France, learn German on the side, and then get to Austria.

I found a position at Le Chapeau Gris, a small but fine restaurant in Versailles, a city 10 miles west of Paris.

In my time off I discovered Paris, its monuments and parks and boulevards and tiny back streets, its courtyards and riverwalks, the forests to the east and west. I naively thought someone should make these kinds of places for the U.S.

Little did I know of the long history of landscape architecture around the world – F. L. Olmsted, A. Le Notre, A. Provost, T. Church, M. Van Valkenburgh, M. Schwartz.

But I got hooked. No way, I thought, that people actually get to do this for a living. That next fall I got into landscape architecture at UMass Amherst for four years as an undergrad and then three years of grad school at Harvard.

Maybe in the next lifetime I’ll get to Lech to work in that pastry shop. In the meantime, I’m forever reminded of the great places I’ve been lucky to visit, and the incredible influences each holds for interpreting how our built spaces might be composed.

David Bartsch

Registered Landscape Architect in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Certified by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards

David graduated with a degree in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University, and established Bartsch Landscape Architecture in 1999.

Prior to starting his firm, David spent a decade working with leading firms in Boston and Paris (Martha Schwartz, Craig Halvorson, Morgan Wheelock, Allain Provost), on projects including public parks, regional high schools, assisted living facilities, garden-cemeteries, and custom private homes.

From travels in Europe, Asia, Scandinavia, and across North America, David reinterprets the successful ingredients of large and small landmark settings to create unique and engaging landscapes that contribute in their own way to the better built environment. 

The objective is beautiful, well-loved, and durable places. The key factors are respectful client service, ever-growing knowledge of proven methods in design and construction, and keeping an open mind to fresh ideas for exceptional results.

David leads projects with diverse teams from needs and options review, through design and construction, to operations. David’s close project management integrates and controls schedules, budgets, and scopes of work. His proactive involvement results in high-quality projects, excellent customer service, and measurable cost savings.

Bartsch Landscape Architecture transforms everyday spaces into extraordinary places.

See the downloadable CV for more information on David’s background, education, and professional affiliations.

Our Approach

Just as a doctor performs a thorough diagnosis before suggesting fixes to a problem or starting surgery, our process begins with thorough research of your project’s unique details through our Needs & Options Review.

The Needs & Options Review serves several purposes:

  • We minimize your risks of faulty design decisions by laying the proper knowledge groundwork up-front.
  • We clarify your wants, needs, and aspirations through our Design DNA analysis.
  • We explore your opportunities so options are not lost, and you don’t have to live with a lesser project that could have been better.
  • We uncover your constraints so time is not wasted on the unattainable.
  • With a smaller commitment up front, you risk less in  discovering that we’re a good fit and can work well together before going further into the project.
  • We use a proven, structured format with steps laid out at the beginning so you know what to expect and you remain in control throughout the process.

Bartsch Landscape Architecture provides full-service design and project management from exploring opportunities through to  construction wrap-up. We help to bring out the full potential of your property through your individualized program – something we develop for each of our clients.

We coordinate the work of

  • Surveyors
  • Civil engineers
  • Horticultural and wetland consultants
  • Contractors
  • Other team members necessary to a project’s success

We work in collaboration with

  • Building architects
  • Attorneys
  • Municipal agencies

Through our comprehensive site design process, we ensure that diverse elements will coalesce into a unified, beautiful, and functional composition that lasts for generations.

We develop site designs and Master Plans through scaled drawings to specify the location, arrangement, and integration all the necessary elements of a beautiful and functional setting:

  • Ground surfaces graded and shaped for effective slopes and drainage
  • Sport courts, physical training, and recreation
  • Outdoor kitchens, dining, and entertainment areas
  • Retaining walls, patios, and walkways
  • Pergolas, arbors, decks, fences, and other wood or metal structures
  • Parking courts and drives
  • Gardens and open spaces
  • Grading and drainage design
  • Exterior lighting
  • Ornamental and functional planting design
  • Water features – fountains, pools, and spas
  • Effective management of myriad constraints and opportunities

Drawing on decades of experience, we quickly research and assess what can be allowed on a site by state and local government agencies. We weigh the existing attributes and the natural potential a property has and what it can become. This gives our clients a clear start to understand their site’s capacity early in the assessment and concept development process. 

Our feasibility studies include evaluations of

  • Zoning and regulatory constraints
  • Your site’s physical and cultural context
  • Integration of existing and proposed utilities
  • Protection of wetlands and other resources
  • Vehicular and pedestrian circulation and accessibility
  • Comparative property values and appropriate costs for improvements
  • Sightlines and visual impacts and opportunities
  • Sun angles and prevailing winds
  • Soil types, topography, vegetation, and other critical site conditions

Land planning for phased projects not only provides a compelling vision for your property’s future, it also aligns the project scope and budget with a feasible build-out sequence. Illustrative master plan drawings, entitlement/permitting review, and financial assessment are our primary deliverables. 

They provide you with the right information

  • Concept-level planning and design
  • Permit requirements
  • Project phasing budgets and rating of importance
  • The order of phased build-out of project parts or areas

We represent projects independently and in collaboration with local experts.

When required, our coordination typically includes permit acquisition from

  • Planning boards
  • Zoning administrators,
  • Conservation commissions
  • Historic commissions
  • Design review boards
  • Accessibility agencies

As your representative, and depending on the complexity of your project, we not only manage tradespeople and their schedule, but we solve issues that arise during construction. 

We help ensure the design intent is faithfully executed by observing

  • Site preparation for construction
  • Safeguarding of existing elements to be protected
  • Reviewing and approving layout of structures, plantings, and grading prior to installation
  • Observing the proper installation of improvements and the methods by which they’re implemented
  • Builders’ contracts, insurance, and invoices to ensure you receive the results we all expect
  • Close-out procedures and ongoing operations to ensure your project is not only complete and finished well, but performs as it should for years to come.

Let's make your property all it can be.

Your questions are welcome - about our process, about how we might help to achieve your goals for your property.